
List d'inscription - Qualification EO 2025

#ClasseNuméro de licenceNom du chenil (selon pedigree)Surnom du chienConducteur
1L214205JeannyJeannySandra Zimmermann
2L214945Lane's Line Locan (FCI)DeepNicole Steiner
3L215004Flower of Old Hill WilliamBroMercedesz Balazs
4L215387Orka du Château Sainte MarieOrkaXavier Mollard
5L215395Jolly Spirits HaironHaironLudwig Florioli
6L215506Sweet Lily of Wakinyan AgliFayaStephanie Bolliger
7L215528Gwen v. Prenton Lane (FCI)Gwen Roland Schnyder
8L215536Gingerbell Quick BoosterBoosterMelinda Savarino
9L215732TYH LevenPippiKathrin Herzog
10L215811A Punch of Asics of County Derry (FCI)AsicsLukas Risi
11L215813Supernova des Gardiens de l'Oujonnet (FCI)SupernovaLudivine Jotterand
12L215982Beware of Terral Malaga Exclusive EditionFlexxSamira Frei
13L216058Undina from Thircan's Dream (FCI)UllaDaniela Bösch
14L216062Give me Life von Arnestowo (FCI)LifeMonika Looser
15L216075Ayena of Shallow Lake (FCI)A-YenaFrancine Tavazzi
16L216080App's Deepl of Shallow Lake (FCI)DiipTina Vieli
17L216087Black Sweep Sweep Ciro Fumarola
18L216143Caddy von StauffenCaddyNicole Steiner
19L216162Air Jordan of Wild RiverTweetyRaphael Jenny
20L216170Freaky Fran of Noble County (FCI)TéthysVincent Cuénoud
21L216266Akela my Mogli of Shallow Lake (FCI)MogliManuela Krapf
22L216412Never Never Land (FCI) G'BushwackerSpot Léonie Jeannerat
23L216419Angyali Álom BahjaBahjaFabian Weiss
24L216465Empire rebel's Arsenic follyArsenic follyAudrey Mauroux
25L216528He's my Arcano of Noble County (FCI)ArcanoLilian Arras
26L221800Fabulous Floyd of Austrian Diamonds (FCI)FloydBarbara Manz
27L227800Been waiting for you all my Life Jumping Hunters (FCI)SnickBarbara Manz
28L249777Hashtag Ice von Arnestowo (FCI)IceFranziska Hilfiker
29L313528Coldstream Happy (FCI)HappySalvatore De Rosa
30L313988Other side of love del Mulino Prudenza (FCI)MassimoMassimo Ghisletta
31L314044Urgent to Rumble of Noble County (FCI)RumbleLukas Risi
32L314133Eiri Greme Jaro (FCI)JaroSusanne Oettli
33L314234Claire April of True Opals (FCI)ClaireGabi Bodenmann
34L314295Ringarooma Nitro-WarriorNitroAline Brasey
35L314337Attraction Ais of agile speed (FCI)AisSimone Nützi
36L314352Quick vom Dennigkofen (FCI)QuickLéonie Jeannerat
37L314554Your secret of dark spirits (FCI)YouriRoland Marro
38L314594Aoife BonesAoife Ciro Fumarola
39L314723Let's Speedy (Jenny)SpeedyRaphael Jenny
40L314754Dark Jacket of Water Valley (FCI)JacketEvelyne Von Riedmatten
41L314777One In a Million Sky Jumper from Doggone Borders (FCI)SkyFranziska Hilfiker
42L314783Quick v. Enggetschwil (FCI)YumaBea Tanner
43L314893O'Ruby Land de Lorelei et de UtopieRubySabine Vinnicombe
44L314895Black River Kennel Rocky Balboa Rey Salvatore De Rosa
45L314928Kryspee Chocolate for a Deep Connection (FCI)KryspeeLudivine Jotterand
46L315053Hayley from the stone of sconeHayley Patrick Bleuer
47L315077Quinn from Thircan`s DreamSevenChristine Schaufelberger
48L315175Shepworld Livin On A PrayerBoltManu Mazzola
49L315236A little Dragon with infinity PowerDragonLilian Arras
50L315251DjangoDjangoFabian Wismer
51L315257Lola of Austrian StarlightLolaAnnette Ogierman
52L315338Princesse Sefa de la Bergerie de MorganeSefaSarah Morra
53L315339Ghost v. Prenton Lane (FCI)GhostAnita Brönnimann
54L315382Indico child from the stone of sconeFayeNathalie Brunner
55L315390Dedicated to You of Noble County (FCI)YouAurélie Maréchal
56L315394Jolly Spirits HunterHunterMorena Barelli
57L315434Ikachu Unaï to Shark ZanzibarUnaïFrançoise Gandoy
58L315629Peps and Magic Keemun des Roches d'Anthéor (FCI)KeemunMarine Bosson
59L315651Aarewood Cotton Fields (FCI)LizzyReto Studer
60L315685Akeno of County Derry (FCI)AkenoSandra Fuster
61L315735Lycaon's Zesty FollyZesty FollyAlicia Mauroux
62L315738Rebel du Sérac du Léman (FCI)RebelEric Sansonnens
63L315756Darker Than Dark Walnut of WonderMangoRachele Fuzzati
64L315759Top Gun Black JetJetAgnes Certain
65L315763Hakuhauskan Lentävä-LumikkiLumikkiDina Untersee
66L315798BTW I'm Seen Full of rushSeenAlisha Ferrari
67L315814Coffee Bean the Maze RunnerCookieYamina Caluori
68L315823Hazelnut Mai of True Opals (FCI)Hazel MaiGabi Bodenmann
69L315832Fay vom Hot FleshFayRoland Marro
70L316061Incredible Acacia Stars Power Dogs (FCI)HestiaNadine Cuénoud
71L316105O Nayhra from Elly of Beautyful Whites (FCI)NayhraSandrine Läubli
72L318088Jolly Spirits Go for it NeonNeonRoland Hilfiker
73L324800Eiri Greme Lance (FCI)LuckyBarbara Manz
74M214206N'Zak de FicalbaN'Zak Sandrine Tauxe
75M215402KiboKiboValerie Bertschinger
76M215545Endo vom Königsbrunnen (FCI)FilouRahel Wettstein
77M216142Look Forward Lizzy of Noble County (FCI)LizzySamantha Wenger-Sbocchi
78M216433Pilvi a bolt from the blue (FCI)PilviMarianne Fried
79M313640Irhaberki Red Hot Chili PeppersPaprikaJustine Beytrison
80M313649Irhaberki Rhythm'n'BluesR'n'BChristine Chalançon
81M313745Corroboree ErisErisVincent Cuénoud
82M314267Energy Quirin of Waterfall road (FCI)QuirinBirgit Bolliger
83M314523PippaPippaRoland Hilfiker
84M314563Ombre de la dent de PorcelaineOmbreSimone Nützi
85M314665Raya Basiliensis Four Paws (FCI)RayaRahel Wettstein
86M314672Frodo van de Engelse Cocker SpanielMr. BBeat Habermacher
87M314805Ivy of splendid emotion (FCI)IvyCinthia Caltabiano
88M314916PistachePistacheUrsula Känel Kocher
89M314934Chico Coyote du Bey de StrublinCoyoteFabrice Camus
90M315035Juni a bolt from the blue (FCI)JuniCorinne Gysin
91M315054RayaRayaKarin Achermann
92M315064EMAVA'S PASSION Alpha BackUp (FCI)BackUpJeannine Leu
93M315164Rix Blue of Sprightliness (FCI)RixInes Rapold
94M315369Cerunnos One in a MillionMr. QBeat Habermacher
95M315377Milou a bolt from the blue (FCI)MilouLiliane Sauteur
96M315663Ellie EllieAndrea Bichsel
97M315684Bounty vom Bergjuwel (FCI)Bounty Ladina Bertagnoli
98M315727Drama Queen of OkenijaKira Karin Bischoff
99M315797Hanky Panky vom Affinger BachHabibiConny Gross
100M316191Fantastic Runa of SummergardenRunaTanja Risi
101S214030Windy-Nights on Diamant in SilverMiaAndrea Mäder
102S214505Lussie LussieSabrina Armati
103S215351Chanel of the Healing Hearts ChanelLeandra Gassmann
104S215739TeddyTeddy Susanne Becker
105S215842Blueberry Jam Agapito HogidusJolie Adriana Silvestrini
106S216042Smart Bandits R-ace Edition Rocket Girl (FCI)SoleilUrsula Känel Kocher
107S216094Amideros Go the Distance (FCI)SukiCorinne Gysin
108S216174The Pure Poetry Bold OnrushLyricRalph von Fellenberg
109S216418Gantroppas Jóra (FCI)JóraAna Meier
110S312674PitschiPitschiValerie Bertschinger
111S312964Gucci de Forellois (FCI)GucciCorane Dély
112S313140ZorroZorroEva Pfister
113S313359Bianca d' Unieux (FCI)IdyTia Vinnicombe
114S313793Ramses vom Affinger BachRamsesConny Gross
115S314147Cindy Crawford Dream D & D JackCindy CrawfordAdriana Silvestrini
116S314746Quo Vadis VinnieVinceKathrin Baumeler
117S314949Princesse Enya du Roc de la BeveraEnyaTiziana Stacchi
118S315031Kuba a bolt from the blue (FCI)KubaMarianne Fried
119S315099AJ of magic spiritmoment (FCI)AJTamara Meinsma
120S315152I am Iven of Waterfall road (FCI)IvenBirgit Bolliger
121S315157Gambler Minnie of Waterfall road (FCI)Minnie PoohTatjana Dim
122S315214LuisLuisDaniela Haltinner
123S315361Ginny in a Bottle of Noble County (FCI)GinnyCorane Dély
124S315569Denzel vom grünen KuckuckDenzelSigi Wilhelm
125S316139Jumping Jim Beam of Magic World (FCI)Jim BeamNathalie Brunner
126S316197Leroy lightning of Noble County (FCI)SafeTamara Meinsma
127S317272Hakuna Matata a bolt from the blue (FCI)Hakuna MatataCorinne Gysin
128I215501Walking on Sunshine of Silent StormSoleilAnja Bohner
129I215881Beib dammi mille BaciBaciBeat Liechti
130I216200Absinth‘s Catch A Tiny Dancer (FCI)Tiny DancerSarina Staub
131I216211FayeFayeJessica Winkler
132I216265Energy Elixir of Silent StormEnergy Alessio Bertagnoli
133I314033Baako of St. Ninians IsleBaakoOlivia Hofstadt
134I314068Great Puma Quick AngelPumaNadja Milz
135I314185Firehillborder Jody (FCI)Go-TicFrancine Tavazzi
136I314291MoMoWalter Suter
137I314340Weeny Warrior of Noble County (FCI)WeenyGabriele Winkler
138I314420LadyLadyMaya Matter
139I314999Naga Jolokia Akamaru (FCI)VikérianJoséphine Fatoux
140I315089Civa du haut des Monts (FCI)CivaKarin Schönenberger
141I315491Daydreams Reality of Noble County (FCI)AceCorina Fusaro
142I315521Fantastic Freak Te SalutantFreakSarah Morra
143I315728Passion to perform Highlands wild brave Merida MimiNicole Heimlicher
144I315752Naga Jolokia Baila Booga'Loo (FCI)B'LooChristine Chalançon
145I315867Swiss Mountain LeeLeeAnouk Lenhard