
List d'inscription - Qualification JOAWC 2025

#ClasseNuméro de licenceNom du chenil (selon pedigree)Surnom du chienConducteur
1L115969Choice von Pedro's Landhaus Choice Kim Meyer
2L116026Deiva Elanee du Filou RoyalDeivaAyleen Sammet
3L116392Eiri Greme Mara (FCI)AvaEleanor Korell
4L116439SimbaSimbaChiara Feer
5L116500Eyuna vom Haus VaxEyunaElanya Jeremias
6L116519NolaNolaYela Bühlmann
7L214643RaynaRaynaElynn Dirren
8L216166Pacey of Chocolate Dynamite (FCI)PaceyNoemi Blaser
9L313877Djinn'Tomic Folly de Tizin Tychka (FCI)Djinn'Tomic FollyTiphanie Mauroux
10L315735Lycaon's Zesty FollyZesty FollyTiphanie Mauroux
11L315789Samiro delle cicciole (FCI)MiroEleanor Korell
12M114542Perfect Perfectly Katchinas Keeper of Hope (FCI)PerfectlyEline Blaser
13M116288Fly Kalia von der SchoneggKaliaLia Wiedmer
14M214590Perfect Puck Katchinas Keeper of Hope (FCI)PuckJana-Lorena von Burg
15M215304Amber Black of Sheerlin Steyn Farm (FCI)AmberIda Jaberg
16M216134Chase Your Dreams of Impressive Twilight (FCI)ChaseZoe Haas
17M314685Bounce Back of Noble County (FCI)BounceLivio Rechsteiner
18M315465Electric Blue of Noble County (FCI)BlueMoana Simmen
19M315684Bounty vom Bergjuwel (FCI)Bounty Ladina Bertagnoli
20M316011Bumblebee von der Krenkinger MühleBalouMichelle Bitterli
21M316132Gloria Silver Shine of Noble County (FCI)KajaJana-Lorena von Burg
22S215461Naya de la Source du MontetNayaLéo Bau
23S216418Gantroppas Jóra (FCI)JóraAna Meier
24S315116Kira Denali aus der StrubklammKiraJamielynn Thomas
25S315736Carioca Dance With Me of Impressive Twilight (FCI)Carioca Tiphanie Mauroux
26S315849Irresistible dark Fancy of Noble County (FCI)FancyLivio Rechsteiner
27I116021Tessie des Wani YanpiTessieFiona Dirren
28I213751Jay-Jay of Chocolate DynamiteJay-JayJamielynn Thomas
29I216265Energy Elixir of Silent StormEnergy Ladina Bertagnoli
30I315033Crazy Blue Paris of Noble County (FCI)ParisSilja Thomet