Meldeliste SM

Meldeliste SM 2024

#KlasseLizenz-Nr.Zwingername (gem. Stammbaum)RufnameHundeführer
1L313186Queensberry of Noble County (FCI)CainyTanja Risi
2L313528Coldstream Happy (FCI)HappySalvatore De Rosa
3L313665Junior HempHempCiro Fumarola
4L313877Djinn'Tomic Folly de Tizin Tychka (FCI)Djinn'Tomic FollyPascal Mauroux
5L313878Extreme Folly de Tizin Tychka (FCI)Extreme FollyIrène Mauroux
6L313988Other side of love del Mulino Prudenza (FCI)MassimoMassimo Ghisletta
7L314118Enjoytheattraction of TeslaTeslaAlice Laforge
8L314175Pebbles from Clan GlaistingElljJosé Ferrari
9L314196Rainbow Noosa del Mulino Prudenza (FCI)NoosaManu Mazzola
10L314228Haden from Cricket of Beautyful Whites (FCI)HadenPatrick Stutz
11L314234Claire April of True Opals (FCI)ClaireGabi Bodenmann
12L314276Victoria's Secret of Noble County (FCI)VickyGudrun Hasler
13L314295Ringarooma Nitro-WarriorNitroAline Brasey
14L314300Dylan von Prenton LaneDuskSandra Lanz
15L314352Quick vom Dennigkofen (FCI)QuickLéonie Jeannerat
16L314384Chili of Water valley (FCI)ChellyChristine Iseli
17L314387Ares of JaBu's home (FCI)AresAndrea Oester
18L314412Shadow du bourgeois bohème (FCI)ShadowManuel Limberger
19L314550Aware of the Lycan of agile speed (FCI)LycanTanja Fähndrich
20L314554Your secret of dark spirits (FCI)YouriRoland Marro
21L314594Aoife BonesAoife Ciro Fumarola
22L314637Fearnóg Doolin (FCI)DoolinMarianne Mattle
23L314723Let's Speedy (Jenny)SpeedyRaphael Jenny
24L314814Zeven Summits Climber of Noble County (FCI)ZevenSilvan Zumthurm
25L314816Zoulmate Beau of Noble County (FCI)BeauFlurina Mühlebach
26L314895Black River Kennel Rocky Balboa Rey Salvatore De Rosa
27L314908Evita of True Opals (FCI)OliveClaudia Setz
28L314912Annie white powder gold of Noble County (FCI)AnnieJeannine Podolak
29L314926EmmaEmmaEveline Joller
30L314967Baptist Powerboy of Noble County (FCI)TistaDaniela Weber Conrad
31L315053Hayley from the stone of sconeHayley Patrick Bleuer
32L315100R'Lacey v. Enggetschwil (FCI)LaceyLisa Bächler
33L315102Always be mine Patch of Noble County (FCI)PatchAlexandra Schuster
34L315123Brilliant Jewel BJ of Noble County (FCI)BJDaniela Weber Conrad
35L315165Murphy McRicciMurphyKathrin Betschart
36L315175Shepworld Livin On A PrayerBoltJohn-beni Mazzola
37L315236A little Dragon with infinity PowerDragonLilian Arras
38L315251DjangoDjangoFabian Wismer
39L315285Amazing Ally of Impressive Twilight (FCI)Amazing AllyRico Vannini
40L315287Loïc vom SeidenbergLeoManuela Doogue
41L315335Jumping Wallaby Djazzklynn of Mogwai`s CastleLynnAndrea Kubli
42L315392Anip Simply Unique Falcon KyaKyaAlice Laforge
43L315434Ikachu Unaï to Shark ZanzibarUnaïFrançoise Gandoy
44L315441All In One Daven of Impressive Twilight (FCI)DavenStephanie Hediger
45L315447Dusk till Dawn of Noble County (FCI)FellowPatrick Ernst
46L315456Dangerous Viper of Noble County (FCI)ViperNoreen Beer
47L315485I'm Yumi your little ray of SunshineYumiVanessa Gandoy
48L315488Magic Moon's Fjun (FCI)FjunYvonne Wyss
49L315685Akeno of County Derry (FCI)AkenoSandra Fuster
50L315707Aodh of County Derry (FCI)LinetteSandra Schlachter
51L315709Guinness Extra StoutFeivelNadine Gass
52L315718Fairy Face v. Prenton Lane (FCI)NyimaJacqueline Risi
53L315798BTW I'm Seen Full of rushSeenAlisha Ferrari
54L315832Fay vom Hot FleshFayRoland Marro
55L316061Incredible Acacia Stars Power Dogs (FCI)HestiaNadine Cuénoud
56L318421Xin Clever FoxAlohaHans Hänny
57L318918Dream of Lightning of Water valley (FCI)LightHans Hänny
58L319692Happy Hooligan Alice (FCI)LizzyHans Hänny
59L322222Britley's Q-Kuroi Ryu Tobu ShurikenShurikenSascha Grunder
60L329518Ryu vom Lacheren (FCI)RyuPascal Egli
61L366830United Colors of Noble County (FCI)UnitRomy Folch
62M312871Thalia of splendid emotion (FCI)ThaliaCinthia Caltabiano
63M313151Keen Roy Junior Katchinas Keeper of Hope (FCI)RoyHerbert Löffel
64M313505Winecup Dance with me de bien-aimé ChibeeVirginie de Andrea
65M313640Irhaberki Red Hot Chili PeppersPaprikaJustine Beytrison
66M313649Irhaberki Rhythm'n'BluesR'n'BChristine Chalançon
67M313725Enja of NamcoEnjaJudith Sainsbury
68M313745Corroboree ErisErisNadine Cuénoud
69M313822Maybe I'm the Magician des Diablotins de NoochOzLaure Jaquinet
70M313869Krispy from flashing StarlightKairoUrsina Kubli
71M313882Kitkat from flashing StarlightKyraSabrina Battaglia
72M314267Energy Quirin of Waterfall road (FCI)QuirinBirgit Bolliger
73M314326And the same way of Impressive Twilight (FCI)SameManuela Steiner
74M314665Raya Basiliensis Four Paws (FCI)RayaRahel Wettstein
75M314666Zimzams AugustusGusJasmine Zwahlen
76M314672Frodo van de Engelse Cocker SpanielMr. BBeat Habermacher
77M314815Cinnamon Flycatcher of Noble County (FCI)Cinnamon André Mühlebach
78M314916PistachePistacheUrsula Känel Kocher
79M314934Chico Coyote du Bey de StrublinCoyoteFabrice Camus
80M314985Naga Jolokia Arashi (FCI)Fuji Letizia Grunder
81M315035Juni a bolt from the blue (FCI)JuniCorinne Gysin
82M315109Dynamic Dee of Noble County (FCI)DEEGudrun Hasler
83M315128Daily shine Tinkerbell of Noble County (FCI)TinkerbellJeannine Podolak
84M315155JamieJamieSandra Schilling
85M315161Cacao Meravigliao OttinaTinaAlessandro Tedesco
86M315337Excellent black Panther of Noble County (FCI)ShellySeverine Beuter
87M315369Cerunnos One in a MillionMr. QBeat Habermacher
88M315378Freestyler of Noble County (FCI)NigelSilvan Zumthurm
89M315420Dalou Noire de la Ville des Ambassadeurs (FCI)SlayAstrid Jenni
90M315671Cayden The Rocket of Impressive Twilight (FCI)CaydenJanina Hänni
91M315684Bounty vom Bergjuwel (FCI)Bounty Ladina Bertagnoli
92M315703EMAVA'S PASSION Born to be Wild (FCI)BenjiDoris Bauer
93M315713Satisfaction Garantie June des Romarins de MayerlingJuneLaurie Calvo
94M315727Drama Queen of OkenijaKira Karin Bischoff
95M315838Incredible perfect icon of Noble County (FCI)IconMarina Mayer
96M315933Windy Nights The Power of Love (FCI)Soleil Valentina De Iacob
97M321220Awesome Vegas of SummergardenVegasToni Cipriano
98M321319Inchgower Nia of EllebiNiaManuela Eichenberger
99M321611Ellebi sporting dog diet coke GIFGIFManuela Eichenberger
100S313133LillyLillySilvia Gargano
101S313140ZorroZorroEva Pfister
102S313418Rainbow Colors Miss Twisty (FCI)TwistyAnne Quiquerez
103S313727Montana's Spirit PinjaPinjaMartin Jenny
104S314030Windy-Nights on Diamant in SilverMiaAndrea Mäder
105S314147Cindy Crawford Dream D & D JackCindy CrawfordAdriana Silvestrini
106S314178ULTRA BROWNIE PIEArribaMonika Jaggi
107S314746Quo Vadis VinnieVinceKathrin Baumeler
108S314949Princesse Enya du Roc de la BeveraEnyaTiziana Stacchi
109S315010Piwie du Grand Champ d'AubertansPiwieHerbert Löffel
110S315048Maybe Hailye du Mont des Escailleux (FCI)HailyeMariann und Plitec Jansen
111S315072Windy Nights Rose of Heaven in silver (FCI)PepsiValentina De Iacob
112S315152I am Iven of Waterfall road (FCI)IvenBirgit Bolliger
113S315157Gambler Minnie of Waterfall road (FCI)Minnie PoohTatjana Dim
114S315400Fine Fresh Fierce of Noble County (FCI)FineFlurina Mühlebach
115S315403True Love Kiss GiselleEllieClaudia Schwab
116S315410Bruno von AugustinRunoCornelia Riediker
117S315419Mia a bolt from the blue (FCI)MiaLaure Jaquinet
118S315534Sophia des Chiboune's KyisSophia Murielle Petitjean
119S315548Wild Woman of Magic World (FCI)DivaEveline Eggler
120S315650Don't Mess With Fajita of Impressive Twilight (FCI)Fajita Fabienne Rimann
121S315702Enjoy the Magic Moment Jungle Fever (FCI)JoyBrigitt Braun
122S316193Lewis Laserpoint of Noble County (FCI)LewisSimon Tabourat
123S317272Hakuna Matata a bolt from the blue (FCI)Hakuna MatataCorinne Gysin
124S371179EMAVA'S PASSION Amazing Chia (FCI)ChiaEsther Jenny
125S399994Tourbillon du grand Champ d'AubertansTourbillonBarbara Feer
126S399995Nightfire's Big and Beautiful (FCI)PanFengBarbara Feer
127I310767Angyali Álom AszúAszúWerner Oesch
128I312688Lovesome ViktorLeoAstrid Oberer
129I312857Xtra Donna vom Dänischen WohldDonnaSandra Fuster
130I314015Vildandens Juliet Af MolteliKayleighJosé Ferrari
131I314047Terelö Denevér (FCI)CSÔKA CserfesWerner Oesch
132I314291MoMoWalter Suter
133I314310A Flame Powerful Sia of agile speed (FCI)SiaClaudia Schwab
134I314313Addicted to oNC's Bernadette of agile speed (FCI)BernyToni Cipriano
135I314372Aruba of JaBu's home (FCI)ArubaCaroline Zwahlen
136I314450Venice Beach of Noble County (FCI)VeniceAntoinette Schaub
137I314650MeryMeryNicole Oehninger
138I315367Gafglen's Peak7' Strawberry Daiquiri Daiquiri Cornelia Stauffer
139I315678O'Myles de la Tine de Conflens (FCI)Myles Claudia Rohrer
140I315728Passion to perform Highlands wild brave Merida MimiNicole Heimlicher
141I315752Naga Jolokia Baila Booga'Loo (FCI)B'LooChristine Chalançon
142I315764Old Celtic Mountain Hazel Shelby (FCI)Hazel-ShelbyDominik Oehler
143I315866Endless Chapter of Noble County (FCI)LessMarco Brandenberger
144I316057Jimboomba Brikk the RocketBrikkMichel Frey
145I318210AA Amazing Adele of agile speed (FCI)LeleChristine Piontek Meister
146I318881Running Rabbit's Awesome Pirate of time and space (FCI)PirateLetizia Grunder